Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Dunes East Hampton OP Program: Another Option For Recovery

Outpatient rehab programs are greatly beneficial to various addicts especially those with work and family commitments. Dunes East Hampton Outpatient Program has immensely been able to help people overcome addiction at their facility without a costly inpatient hospital stay. This means that you can perfectly detox from the addiction of drugs and alcohol without abandoning your commitments at work or home. Substance treatment is also offered in this program. A flexible outpatient program is created to fit your schedule and thus be more effective for you.

However, not all drug and substance addicts qualify for an outpatient program. The program is more preferable to some groups of people. It is crucial to consult the counselors at Dunes East Hampton Outpatient Program to take you through a comprehensive assessment test before giving you a recommendation.

When Does The Dunes Outpatient Program Deem Appropriate?

• If There Are Lower Levels of Physical Drug Addiction: As an addict, you may have been exposed to drugs for a short term while. Thus your body experiences lower levels or less fatal physical addiction. This program can be recommended to you. People who have achieved physical sobriety and those who show they can achieve abstinence with a short visit to the center can also be allowed to the program.

• Work and family related Commitments: Some addicts have work and designated family responsibilities such as child care. In this case adjustment has to be done to accommodate the addict's commitments and social responsibility.

• Presence of a Supportive Home Environment: Studies have shown that an addict with a supportive and sober family, healthy living status and good work relations respond very well to the outpatient program.

• Determination to Achieve Sobriety: The program is recommendable for an addict who has attained self-realization and is really determined to quit the addiction.

Benefits From The Dunes Outpatient Program

• Flexibility of the program schedule to fit your daily routine.

• Support from family, relatives and work colleagues.

• The ability to fulfill your commitments at work, home and even school.

• Affordability at the facility compared to other detoxification facilities.

If you are an addict looking to maintain your daily routine as well as undertake a rehabilitation program, then the Dunes East Hampton is the ideal facility for you. Services such as the group therapy, individual therapy, relapse prevention, 12 steps work, alcohol and drug education among others will help you recover your sobriety soon.

Call The Dunes East Hampton OP & Receive Help Now, Follow The Banner For More Information:

The Dunes East Hampton OP

Friday, December 19, 2014

Methamphetamine Use, Danger, and Abuse


Substance abuse of methamphetamines is one of largest drug abuse problems in the world. It is endemic in almost all countries and is highly destructive. Methamphetamines is known under a lot of names like meth, crystal, and crank. Meth has an incredibly powerful high and is extremely addictive.

A person takes meth, normally by eating or snorting it, but it can also be consumed as a drink, injected, or smoked.

After a person has taken crank it will usually cause a strong surge of good feelings, but it is not long before the "good feelings" are replaced by anxiety, fear, paranoia, and anger.

So what exactly is methamphetamine?

Basically it is a neurotoxin and psychostimulant. It is rarely used clinically, but occasionally is prescribed for hyperactivity disorders and even more rarely for treating obesity. One of the most destructive aspects of this drug is that it disrupts the ability of the brain to produce and process serotonin and dopamine. These are chemicals that are crucial to a person's ability to feel happiness and joy. This is one of the reasons why the psychological addiction to this drug can be so strong. When a person needs the drug just to feel a semblance of happiness, it is very difficult to quit.

Depression and suicidal thoughts are common side effects of withdrawal. Withdrawal symptoms of meth can last for months.

One of the greatest dangers of this drug, aside from the fact that an overdose could kill the user, is that it causes permanent brain damage. As was mentioned before this drug is a neurotoxin. This means that it is a toxin which works upon the brain to disrupt normal functioning. Overtime this "disruption" can become a permanent condition.

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive and insidious drug that should be avoided at all costs.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Opioids Are Addictive And Should Be Avoided


You need to look into getting off of opioids so that you can live a better life. They can help with some pain, but they more often than not cause it for people. Be sure that you work through what needs to be done so you can get over an addiction to pain meds.

There are quite a few issues that can come from dealing with opioids. This is due to the fact that they are going to make it hard for you to deal with your day to day life if you don't have them in your system. You need to make sure that you work on taking them less and less because after you get addicted, they can actually make it worse on you because your body will crave them. Hurting because you can't be on your meds hurts worse than just being in pain with whatever is happening to your body already.

Don't take these kinds of medications for a long time if you can help it. Sure, you may need them for pain, but it's better to figure out what you can do so that you're not on medications all of the time. Eventually they will take their toll on your body and you may even find yourself running out of medications and having to find more at a later time. Either way, just take it a step at a time and it shouldn't be all that difficult for you to get what you need.

You're now in the know about how to get away from opioids and that should help you to get some assistance. This is going to be tough at first, but it can be done. Take some time to get through the worst of it and you'll be fine.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Meth Can Be Tough To Get Off Of

If you're dealing with an addiction to Meth, you may be having issues knowing where to get the help that you need. This is a tough drug to get off of, but you can get help with this. Just read through the advice here to get started.

The deal with meth is that it can be made easily, but you won't know what you're getting when you buy it off of the street. There are people that make a more pure product, and those that really aren't that great at creating it.

Either way, when you take it into your body it can be dangerous for you to keep using. There are far too many times when you'll be dealing with getting onto and off of this drug, and it can take forever for you to come down at times which can be tough to deal with.

When you come down off of meth you will notice that you feel terrible. This is why a lot of people will keep using it, and that's not good for you. Take your time to stop using this and it could be hard, but after you are able to clear this out of your body it becomes much easier to stay off of it.

 If you need help you may want to go into treatment. That way, you're not getting into something that is going to harm you and make it hard for you to live your life.

You're now in the know about how to get help with an addiction to meth. This is a drug that can be abused quite a bit, and so you need to get off of it right away. Take some time to do what is needed for help and you'll be fine.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse - Get Treatment Today

Do you have a problem with alcohol? This is something that many people do. It usually begins with an innocent drink during dinner, but as your life gets out of control, you are going to try to find a way to remedy the situation. If you can't escape the inevitable, problems that are too difficult to resolve, you may switch to drinking in order to remove yourself from the situation so that you can feel better inside. Over time, as you continue to drink more, you will find yourself needing alcohol just to function during the day.

Although this is a completely mental problem, the way that you are processing the life you have right now, you try to drown it out with alcohol at beverages. This can dramatically alter your life, causing you to alienate yourself from friends and family, and perhaps lose your job. To stop this from happening, you need to find someone that you can talk to, somebody that can help, get you back on track. Here is a quick way to find an alcohol rehab center that will allow you to get the help that you need.

Alcohol And Drug Abuse

As you can probably guess, drug abuse is also automatic in the nation. You can get alcohol abuse treatment, just like you can get help with drugs, mostly because of how many people have these addictions today. When you're thinking about what is alcohol abuse, it basically comes down to using alcohol as a crutch to deal with your problems. The effects of alcohol abuse are always detrimental, and until you are able to check yourself into a rehab center, or talk to people that can help you, your life is going to spiral out of control.

Check Into A Rehab Center

The easiest way to resolve these problems is to find a rehab center. These are companies that will allow you to stay at their facility until you are no longer addicted to these substances. It may take some time, several weeks or maybe more, but once you leave the facility, you will be back on track again, ready to face your life and your problems, and your body will be alcohol free.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Why You Need To Stop Your Addiction To Opiates - Treatment Tips You Need

A very popular prescription drug that is abused all over the nation are opiates that come in many different forms. Some people will get addicted to pain killers such as Norco, Vicodin, and even morphine. These drugs are derived from poppyseed, and opiates are very effective painkillers. The problem with these drugs is they change the way your body operates, specifically altering the receptors in your brain.

When this occurs, you will find that you will need to have these drugs every day, or you will start to go through withdrawals. The pain that you experience on the withdrawal symptoms will motivate you to find more. Here is the easiest way that you can enter addiction to opiates, wherever you happen to live.

Why Opiates Are Addicting

Opiates are a very addicting drug because they change your central nervous system and also what are called mu receptors in your brain. Your receptors will become accustomed to having more stimulation, and when this is no longer provided, which happens when you stop taking them, withdrawal symptoms will occur.

You will start to experience restless leg syndrome, a condition where you feel that you must move your legs constantly, especially during the evening hours, because of the pain that you feel in your legs. You will start to sweat, experience more bodily pain, and feel the most unbelievable cravings for these pills. To get through withdrawals, rehab centers are the best way to end your addiction quickly.

Opiate Rehab Centers Near You

Rehab clinics that are in your area more than likely can provide help for opiate addicts. Your ability to end your addiction begins with stopping your usage of the drug, either gradually, or just stopping completely. The faster you are able to get through your withdrawal symptoms, the easier it will be to resume your normal life.

If you are taking them for pain, you will simply have to find a different solution such as a non-addicting medications, herbal supplements, or perhaps practicing yoga or meditation, remedies that have helped thousands of people. Contact a treatment center for opiate addiction in your area today to get started on the path to recovery.

Monday, October 20, 2014

How Recovery Starts With A Treatment Program

Addiction does not mean your life is over, or that you will never be free from drug abuse.  If you want a healthier, better life, it starts with a treatment program, and New Beginnings Recovery Center can help.


The first stage of recovery is detoxification.  The drugs you have been using must be out of your body before a treatment program can be effective. 

Not everyone needs inpatient detox.  With our assistance, you can safely detox on an outpatient basis.  This option can provide the sense of freedom and independence you need to prepare for your treatment program.

Types Of Care

You will have the outpatient treatment program that is appropriate for you.  Counseling will help you understand yourself, your drug addiction, and your problems.  When you gain a better understanding, counseling will help you find the solutions that will work for you.

As many recovering addicts benefit from aftercare, this is an additional option that is offered.  You will have the recovery tools you need to make the transition into a healthy, productive life.

If you want something better than the day-to-day struggle with substance abuse, it is time to ask for help.  While addicts who try to stop using drugs without assistance rarely succeed, there is much more to recovery than staying clean.  Your entire life has changed because of drug addiction, and all of the changes must be addressed.


Your health, mental health, personal relationships, and priorities have been affected by addiction.  Outpatient treatment can help you gain a new perspective.  You will learn how to live a drug-free life, and how to make the most of each day.

Your body, mind, and spirit can heal.  Regardless of how long you have been using drugs, it is not too late to choose recovery.  Our team of professionals will help you every step of the way.

Outpatient treatment will allow you to continue living your everyday life.  You can continue working at your job, or taking care of your family, while attending your counseling sessions.  If you are ready to work toward recovery, you can succeed. Like many other addicts, you can have a new start to life.  It begins with a treatment program.

Are You Ready To Start With A Treatment Program? New Beginnings Recovery Can Help, Please Follow Link Below:
Addiction Treatment Programs

The Ins and Outs Of Alcohol Abuse

There are many factors to keep in mind when you are dealing with alcohol abuse statistics and other related information that is being processed inside. There are many people who just don't understand the nuances of what alcohol can do and that is a worry for them at the best of times.

They just want to make sure they are satisfied with the results and that is not always possible. You have to ensure that the right alcohol abuse treatment is being put in place to meet the needs and wants of your condition.

It is critical not to waste time with solutions that are not going to cut it. You have to realize that those who don't go ahead and get the treatment that is required will never be able to get the results that they covet.

What does this mean for them?

They are probably going to falter when it comes to their health down the road and that is just because they ignored the issue at hand. You have to make sure these details are looked at all times in order to get going in the right direction. If you do this, you will be happy with what happens in the end.

I have seen far too many people who just don't understand the numbers that are being put in front of them and that is what leads to their downfall. They are looking to just get their drink and that is what matters most to them.

This is not the right approach to take and anyone that does this is never going to be satisfied with what is taking place. Don't get stuck in this kind of situation because you are never going to get what you want from it and you will drown with your drink.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Understanding Methylphenidate Substance Abuse

Methylphenidate has become a very common drug over the last couple of decades. It is used as the main drug of choice to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. It is also used for those people with depression, cognitive disorders and narcolepsy.

It is know by street names such as MPH, R-ball, and vitamin R.

While there have been significantly positive results seen in patients with ADHD, shown in a reduction in the symptoms, there are some serious side effects which need to be known so they can be identified by patients and parents.

The most common side effects are headaches, insomnia, stomachaches and anorexia. Should these effects become apparent, they can be dealt with by regulating the prescribed dosage, as well as implementing the suggestions of the doctors (which differs for each patient).

However, those who abuse Methylphenidate risk overdose (due to the toxic nature of the drug), as well as the psychiatric side effects. This can be shown in the form of aggressive behavior, panic attacks and hallucinations. The potential for abuse comes from the effects on the receptors, which is similar to that exhibited by cocaine. As such, it offers the experience of euphoria, giving users a "high". The abuse factor can come from the addictive nature of the feelings, and the rewarding experience that comes from it.

It is unfortunate that few parents and children know about the potential for addiction, especially as these forms of drugs are now so commonly prescribed by doctors. Very few know that drugs that are prescribed for ADHD could lead to abuse.

Studies have shown that the drug has led to dependance because of the speed at which it works. It is important to note that when the drug is administered intravenously, the effects are said to be virtually the same as cocaine. This should be noted by all parents before they allow their children to take such medication.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Why I Won't Touch Special K

I will stay far away from Special K. I am not talking about the cereal either. It is a nickname for Vitamin K substance abuse. I will never use it as I don't see the point.

Some of the kids at my school use it and I don't quite understand why. Taking drugs isn't a good thing. It makes you act in ways you normally wouldn't. It isn't reality and I wouldn't want to get addicted to it.

I have heard stories of people who have taken it and can never get back to the way they were. I have dreams such as college and then a good career. Drugs can't get in the way of them. I wouldn't let that happen.

My older brother started taking Special K when he was just 15. It really messed him up. He is now 19 and just trying to figure out his life. I feel bad for him but I know not to go down the same road he did.

My whole family tried to help him but he just didn't think he had any issues. He didn't think he needed the help which is what was so frustrating. Eventually he came around but it took a long time.

He is now working on getting better. He has such a long way to go. I look at him and know I don't want things to happen that way for me. I want to be different and make different choices. Staying away from drugs will be one of them.

I plan to work and study hard so I can go to a good school. From there I plan to graduate and get a good job. I don't want to waste time on things that will hold me back.

What Oxycodone HCL Has Done For Me

Hydrocodone and the likes are one of the reasons for my life was going down the drain. I was unable to get the kind of results that I was looking for and it was harming my life. I was just unable to live the life that I was wanting to live and that was unfortunate.

I remember the time when I was clean and did not have this unnecessary addiction to pain meds. It was one day that I had a little pain in my leg that I went to see the doctor. He prescribed me a little bit of Oxymorphone. Seemed fine enough and it really did the trick.

Yet, when I was moving on, I realized that I kind of craved the feeling that I was getting. I was still having little bursts of pain that were hard to deal with. Can you imagine what I was going through? I didn't even know how to handle this issue and all I kept doing was eating the same meds without a care in the world. This meant that I was ruining my body in a hurry and really going down the path that I had never wanted to go.

There are many other drugs that have caused the same problems for others and that is the reason that I don't like anyone going down this road. It is just a road that is going to lead to more problems than anything else. Never get caught up in this kind of situation because you will regret it and that can hurt a lot. I would have to say things like Meperidine should be avoided at all costs because of what they can do to you in the short and long-term. It is just not worth it.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Using Steroids In My Lifting Career

I used to be quite an avid bodybuilder, but that also led to some awful decisions being made. It was sad to see some of the guys using this stuff, but that was part of the appeal at the time. I have to state that it does work and it works fantastically well. Most people will know what they are putting into their bodies, but when you get that boost, it can change your world especially for someone that is training hard in the gym and really trying to get the kind of results that are going to make everyone turn their heads in awe.

I played around with the roids and it was fascinating to say the least. Would I recommend it to anyone else? I don't think so, but that depends on who you are and what your goals are. If you are a professional, you should probably avoid these types of solutions because they are just downright awful for you and most likely you are going to get caught which will ruin your career. No one wants to be in this kind of situation. If you are already stuck in this situation, I would go ahead and just try to join a nearby substance abuse treatment solution because that is going to do the trick for you.

If you are on the juice, it is best to get off of it as soon as you can. It does have awful side effects and that is part of the deal you sign. I would say that it is akin to signing a deal with the devil. You know what is going to occur, but when you go down that path with the use of stackers, you are just stuck on getting the results and nothing else.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What You Should Know About LSD

Acid, or LSD, is a drug also known as blotter. This drug was actually introduced first commercially in 1947. It was supposed to be used for psychiatric purposes to assist patients with mental issues. It was also experimented with by the CIA in the 1950s to see if would be useful in mind control applications. But the plan backfired when young people got a hold of it for recreational use in the 1960s. Since then, LSD has become a popular street drug.

Acid can be found in a number of different formats ranging from liquid, to blotter paper (where some of the liquid is disbursed onto the paper), to pill form. It is usually ingested orally. People who use LSD will experience a range of side effects including heightened senses of sight, smell, and hearing as well as hallucinations. People who use LSD tend to be able to stay awake for very long periods of time, sometimes as long as twelve hours straight or much longer. A few side effects of acid include heart rate increase, shaking, numbness in the fingers and feet, excessive sweating, and paranoia.

When people take LSD, they call it "tripping" or going on a trip. This is because you become mentally unaware of the reality around you and instead experience very strange emotional and reactionary feelings. LSD is not considered to be an addictive drug, however people who enjoy using can take it quite frequently. Over time, they may have a difficult time coping with reality. Sometimes, people who use too much LSD can experience mental instability, emotional problems, and feelings of overwhelming fear. Some users can even become violent or hostile. While acid is a fun drug for many drug users, it can also be very dangerous and have a negative effect on the brain.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Angel Dust Substance Abuse - How To Get Help Today

There is a very popular recreational drug that millions of people have tried over the last several decades since it was first released. Its technical name is phencyclidine, but on the street it is referred to as wack, Angel dust and PCP. It is a recreational dissociative substance that was originated back in the 50s to be used as a pharmaceutical anesthetic. Unfortunately, it produced unwanted effects such as dissociative hallucinogenic effects that cause people to experience and see things that were discomforting and strange. It can be smoked, swallowed, inhaled or injected. Here is why this drug works so well, why it is so popular, and how you can get help for your addiction today.

What Are NMDA Receptors?

Studies have shown that PCP is able to affect cortical activation, essentially affecting your cerebral cortex in such a way that you are unable to perceive the world around you in a way that we have all come to call normal. Channel normal is disrupted greatly, causing you to see things that are not there. It is able to do this because it affects the plasticity of the brain. The more plastic or less rigid your brain is, the better that it functions. When it becomes rigid, when locked in a certain perceptual mode, this is when the drug begins to kick in. Very similar to ketamine, it affects an area of the brain called the D2 receptor that can cause for people to hallucinate very easily. Let's now look at how you can get some help for this particular drug so that you can avoid using this potentially dangerous recreational substance.

Getting Help For PCP Use

If you are going to seek help for your addiction to phencyclidine, you can ask certain professional drug abuse centers in your area if you can check into a rehabilitation center. If available, they can help you for several weeks until you are weaned of using this chemical. Although it is not known for being as dangerous as heroine or cocaine, it does pose a threat for those that overuse it on a regular basis. Find out more about PCP clinics and rehabilitation centers in your area today.

If You Struggle with Drug or Alcohol Addiction There is Treatment at Laguna Beach Recovery:

1755 Park Ave Laguna Beach, CA 92651‎
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laguna recovery center address

Saturday, September 6, 2014

If This Sounds Like You, You Just Might Be An Alcoholic

There's a lot of different reasons why people drink alcohol, for some people it's not a problem, and will never be a problem, for others though, once they've passed a certain threshold, it becomes an addiction, one that is hard to break. There's a lot of people that are right on the edge, a few more years of alcohol abuse and they will become addicted, or, they can cut back, cleanup their life, and never have to worry about it again. Let's take a look at some of the warning signs that you could be addicted to alcohol.

One of first warning signs, that is often overlooked, is that alcohol starts interfering with your ability to get things done. You need to go to town for some items, bring them back and work on a project, but as far as you get, is going to town, stopping off to get a couple of drinks, and that's the end of your day. If that sounds like you, you just might be an alcoholic.

 Another good indication  that you might have a problem with alcohol is that your friends start joking about the last time you were all out together, and you were stumbling around knocking things over. Problem is, you don't remember any of this, so you smile and sit back and deny that it was you, or assume that they are exaggerating. But having a reputation of being drunk all the time is not a good one.  And, it's warning sign that you just might be an alcoholic.

Another big tipoff of your drinking problem is when you get invited to someone's house to watch the big game, or have a birthday party, or even a giant chicken barbecue, and the first words out of your mouth are: is there going to be something to drink?  If the only way you can have a good time is while drinking alcohol. that should give you a bit of a pause. If every event to you is just another reason to drink, you just might be an alcoholic.

If any of the above stories remind you of you, it might be time for you take a step back and examine how often you drink, why you drink, and how much it interferes with your job, lifestyle, and home life. If you need help there are places you can call to get counseling or enrolled in a program.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Not-So-Glamorous Side of Amphetamines


There are few people who have not heard of "Breaking Bad" and the compelling characters and the exciting plot lines. Indeed, the main character who made a fortune manufacturing meth was seen as a sympathetic here to many. But that is just the Hollywood treatment of it and the everyday reality of meth is much more horrifying than nay zombie movie. Just a quick glance at a few of the "Faces of Meth" campaign which shows the progressive destruction on met users faces tell the real story. Addiction to amphetamines, also known as speed or uppers is a serious addiction. The effects of meth ravage the user in ways that can never be undone. Users seem to age years in just a matter of months and the destruction to their teeth is well known as "meth mouth". One of the most notable physical signs of meth us and abuse is the abundance of sores and scabs on the face and skin which is attributed to "meth bugs" which is simply an overwhelming sensation that the user feels crawling under their skin and tries desperately to remove. This leaves sores that have little chance of healing as they are constantly picked at and can become infected, leading to infection and even scarring. Another physical change that meth users experience is the rapid decline in their teeth. Meth use leads to chronic dry mouth, dental neglect and tooth decay. The teeth begin to rapidly decay, break and fall out while the user seems oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. Those two physical signs, along with serious weight loss mean that the meth abuser cannot hide their addiction for long. It is literally written all over their face. This is why time is of the essence when dealing with meth abuse. It is hard enough to recover from drug abuse without having to also try to recover from the serious and permanent damage that meth can inflict on the addicts body and health.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

If Your Loved One is Dealing With Alcohol Addiction, They Should Enter an Alcohol Abuse Treatment Center

Alcohol addiction is a serious problem. People who rely on alcohol to get through the day are causing serious damage to their bodies, and preventing themselves from living a happy and satisfying life. If you see signs of alcoholism in a loved one, you'll want to talk to them about it right away. It's important to confront them in a gentle but serious way. Make sure they know how concerned you are, and make sure you provide them with suggestions on how they can get help. Talk to them about alcohol facts. Make sure they know the kind of damage that drinking so much can cause for them. Let them know that alcohol is a depressant, and that even if it makes them feel better now, it'll make them feel worse later on. They should know that this isn't a long-term solution to their problems. Research the alcohol abuse treatment centers in your area, and talk to them about their options. Make sure they know that they'll have your support as they pursue treatment. You want them to feel like they're ready to take the right steps to improve their lives. Don't let your loved one downplay their alcohol addiction. Even if they're okay now, they won't be okay later unless they get help. You have to stay firm about the seriousness of the issue and make sure that they get the help they need. If you can get your loved one to enter an alcohol abuse treatment center, they will get better. However, recovery may be impossible if they don't get help. Do whatever it takes to convince them that they should seek out assistance for their problems with alcohol. It's what's best for them.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Getting Alcohol Abuse Treatment


Alcohol abuse is a problem that runs rampant, undiagnosed for a long time because the substance is legal. It can lead many problem drinkers to remain in denial because they do not see that alcohol and drug abuse are the same thing, just involving different substances. Once someone has realized they have a problem with alcohol, getting treatment for it is the first step to reclaiming their life. When a person first enters a rehabilitation center, they will need to detox. Someone that has been drinking heavily may experience extreme sweats, vomiting, and hallucinations. At the worst end of the spectrum, an alcoholic may even have life threatening seizures. The staff will do everything possible to minimize the negative signs of withdrawal and keep the person safe. Once the patient has been medically cleared, they will then begin participating in the program established by the treatment facility. The counselors and other staff members will gather to develop a plan that includes individual counseling sessions for the person to begin working through their personal issues. In addition, treatment centers have group sessions where everyone is encouraged to talk to others. These can prove an invaluable source of support for someone new to being sober. It is helpful to talk to others who understand the discomforts of withdrawal and how frightening it can be to learn to live without alcohol. The patient is also assisted in making contact with outside resources that can help them to maintain sobriety upon leaving the facility. This can include going to an outpatient alcohol treatment center or free support groups that have other recovering alcoholics. 

Individualized counseling sessions are frequently recommended, especially for those who have other problems, such as dealing with abuse issues. The more resources a person has, the greater the chances they will remain sober.

A Resource for Addiction and Recovery:

A Resource for Addiction and Recovery

Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Are The Dangers Of Methamphetamine Substance Abuse?


There are few drugs that are as insidious, addictive, and dangerous as methamphetamine. This drug is known under a wide variety of names such as meth, crystal, crystal meth, or speed. While there are some legitimate medical uses of this drug, they are far removed from the way it is used on the streets.

People abuse this drug for several reasons. It has been said to increase sexual desire, give people more energy, and lift a person's spirits creating feelings of happiness and euphoria.

All of the benefits described above are short lived and as usage increases the drug addict will constantly have to increase the amount of the drug they are taking to get the same effect.

Meth damages the body in multiple ways. First, from a cognitive perspective it has been shown to cause permanent impairment and  the loss of motor skills. The withdrawal of the drug is causes intense depression and anxiety. Beyond this the drug destroys the section of the brain which is responsible for feelings of pleasure and happiness making it virtually impossible for the user of the drug to experience positive emotions without being high.

One of the worst impacts of crystal meth is what it will do to a person's looks. The drug breaks down the cells of the body and interferes with the body's ability to repair itself. It is very common for users of this drug to be covered in grotesque lesions and infections. Long term users almost always lose all of their teeth.

Methamphetamine is a terrible drug that ravages the body both from a physical and cognitive perspective. If you or someone you know is addicted to this drug please seek substance abuse treatment immediately. It is never too late to begin rebuilding your life.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Uses For Ketamine And Substance Abuse Issues


Substance abuse with ketamine is well-known throughout the industry. This dissociative anesthetic which can be taken in either a liquid or a powdered form, can cause people to experience reality from a completely different perspective. If it is injected, the result is very fast, and sometimes much more potent than when taken orally. People feel as if they are out of their bodies, perceiving a different reality altogether. If you take this drug too much, however, you can become addicted to it. There are many reasons that people stay addicted, and do not seek treatment, which has to do with how the drug makes them feel. However, it can be dangerous, and seeking treatment for ketamine abuse is certainly a good choice to make. If you would like to get off of Special K, and live life without this addiction, you can locate substance abuse centers near you.

Vitamin K - What Is It Really Used For

Ketamine, also referred to as "K", is a drug that is used with both animals and humans. It is used as a general anesthetic, primarily because of its ability to sedate people, one of the primary reasons that it is commonly referred to as the date rape drug. It has been shown to compromise a person's respiration system, and people can be allergic to it in the same way that they cannot take barbiturates or opiates. Studies have shown that it is possible to treat migraines with this drug, although it does have a side effect of increasing your blood pressure. It's also used to help people with alcoholism and heroine addiction, however, when used by itself, it has its own addicting properties.

Getting Treatment For Ketamine

The best way to get treatment for using ketamine is to go see a doctor who can recommend you to a clinic that helps people with this particular problem. If you are able to contact the doctor right away, they can sometimes refer you and you can get an appointment the same week. This is the best way to treat your addiction to ketamine today.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Is Addiction To Pain Meds A Problem?


Addiction to pain medication is something that people are always seeing reported as being a growing problem. However, people may not know the reasons for this growth is the type of painkillers that are coming onto the market now. Here are how people are getting addicted to these painkillers and why this is starting to become a national issue that needs to be addressed.

The first reason people are getting addicted to the painkillers more often is because the medication is stronger. Since the medication like, Oxycodone HCL Hydrocodone and other medications have become strong. Since these are so strong, they tend to give people a type of high they can only get from the medication. Once they start to come down off of that high, they want to get it back right away so they end up taking more of the medication.

A second reason people have become so addicted to the pain killers is it always seems the doctors are writing prescriptions for the medication. When the doctors are writing a prescription all the time for these medications, it tends to allow people to get the medication they need. So people are going to use the doctors and go from one doctor to another to get the medication thy need to have.

Addiction to painkillers is a problem that a lot of people are seeing more of as being a national issue. The problem is a lot of people are not sure how to address the issue properly. However, when people know about a couple of the reasons why it is becoming a problem they will start to understand how they can address the issue. Then people will be able to battle the addiction they have to these medications and remove them from their life.

Find a Drug Rehab Program that can Successfully Treat Your Abuse or Addiction to Painkillers and Prescription Drugs:

successful drug rehab

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Morphine And Opioid Addiction - How To Get Clean


Opioids and morphine derivatives that come in different forms and under different names including Morphine,Methadone, and Fentany just to name a few are very addicting drugs primarily because of their ability to help people deal with the pain they are feeling. Chronic pain can be almost intolerable, which is why you need to have the proper medications. Although there are alternative medications available, you might want to consider trying them because they may help you more than opiates. If that's not the case, however, you still have to become clean. Here are some tips on ending your addiction to opiates this year.

Why Opiates Are Addicting For Most People

The reason that opiates are so addicting is because they're able to affect a change within certain receptors in your brain. They are able to cause you to feel better by activating mu receptors which are key in regard to things such as depression, pain, and even ADHD. However, once your body becomes accustomed to a certain amount of stimulation from the opiates, they will be very difficult to stop using because the natural endorphins will also be repressed. This combination of problems will lead people to becoming more dependent upon these drugs, which is why so many people are addicted today.

Why Treatment Centers Might Be Best For You

If you can find a treatment center that is in your general vicinity, you might want to talk to these individuals about setting an appointment. If you have had your addiction for many years, it's important to tell them how long it has been, which will allow them to set up the best treatment plan possible. You can get your body reset in order to start functioning without opiates, something that can be very helpful in regard to living a normal life.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse And Potential Treatments For People Today

Alcohol and drug abuse are large problems that people experience everyday throughout the world. There is alcohol abuse treatment for those that have an addiction, but sometimes people shy away from taking action. Alcohol may be the only thing that is able to relax them, but if their life gets very discomforting, they may drink more than they should. If you have ever wondered what is alcohol abuse, or what exactly are the effects of alcohol abuse, we will discuss these effects right now.

The Effects Of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse can lead to a wide variety of problems including mood swings, cellular death in the brain, and also kidney and liver problems. If left unchecked, it could lead to excessive damage of the liver, one of the most regenerative organs in the body. To get help for these problems, you might want to consider speaking with your physician about possible treatment options that are available. They might want to prescribe some type of medication to help you out, but more times than not, they will direct you to a treatment center.

Treatment Center For Alcohol Abuse

If you go to a treatment center that can help you with alcohol abuse, you might see positive results in a very short amount of time. If you have just recently started drinking excessively, you can quickly find a way to avoid this type of addiction by working with professionals that can help you out. It really depends on the type of alcohol that you drink, the effect that it has on you, and how long you have had the problem. By going to a treatment center as soon as possible, you can get the help that you need for your alcohol addiction.

Alcohol Addiction and Abuse Treatment in a Safe Luxury Setting from The Dunes East Hampton:

The Dunes East Hampton

Substance Abuse Using Barbiturates

Barbiturates such as Nembutal, Amytal, Seconal and phenobarbital are used to slow down the activity of the brain. They are sedative-hypnotic drugs often referred to as depressants. Although alcohol is also a depressant, because it is so common, it is classified separately, and alcohol related issues are also classified separately from those related to barbiturates.

Because the regular use of barbiturates results in a tolerance which requires increasingly higher doses in order to achieve the result, there is a high risk of addiction. Suddenly stopping the drug will often result in withdrawal symptoms. Barbiturates are used effectively for anaesthesia during surgery, as well as to treat seizures.

However, using them recreationally in order to get high can be highly dangerous. A fatal dose is not much more than the desired dose, leaving a very small margin for error. There is a high risk of coma and respiratory trauma. In addition to this, the seizures caused by withdrawal can lead to death.

Combining barbiturates with alcohol can result in very dangerous effects, and it should never be attempted. The number of pills, or the dose that indicates a dependency on barbiturates is not consistent. It depends on the individual because those who have developed a high physical tolerance for the drug will be needing to take a lot more than those who have not yet developed a tolerance. 

The determining factor will be if the person has come to rely on the drug emotionally. If they stop taking the drug suddenly, and this is followed by withdrawal symptoms, there is clearly an addiction, and professional help is needed. This will involve in the first instance seeing a doctor, and then being referred to a substance abuse treatment facility where the addiction will be treated. It is best to take action on this immediately.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

How to Treat Oxycodone Addiction

Treating oxycodone can be a very difficult process. The withdrawal process from oxycodone can make life  a living hell for the addict. This can make many addicts feel as though they are stuck to their addiction for the rest of their life. They may even move up and start using even stronger opiates such as heroin. Thus, it’s extremely important for anyone who is addicted to oxycodone to know that there are many ways to deal with their addiction. This article will state two extremely great ways any oxycodone addict can kick their horrible addiction.

Quitting using the warm turkey technique is one of the highest recommended methods for anyone suffering an opiate addiction. Quitting warm turkey is essentially quitting cold turkey with the assistance of many over the counter drugs. Oxycodone withdrawal may incur such horrible physical effects such as diarrhea and headaches. Thus, by using such over the counter drugs as ibuprofen and anti-diarrheal medication, these effects can be negated. 

Another way a oxycodone addict can overcome their addiction is by continuously using less and less oxycodone until they are using none at all. If an oxycodone addict uses around ten pills each day, then they should strive to take one less pill each day. Doing so allows the body to slowly adjust to having less and less oxycodone in its system. Thus the body will appreciate the more gently process and will not react as rashly as someone quitting cold turkey. This method is also highly recommended for anyone who has had past trouble kicking their oxycodone addiction.

By looking at these two methods, any addict can safely asses which process will be the best suited for them. Typically, it is better to try warm turkey first before trying the second method mentioned in the article. Quitting warm turkey is a much quicker and less expensive option.

Learn More About Oxycodone, Addiction to Oxycodone, and Treatment for Opioid Abuse From The Addiction Treatment Wiki, Your Source for Substance Abuse Facts:

Addiction Treatment Wiki

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Difference Between Steroids And Stackers


If you are trying to build more muscle mass, you have probably added many different supplements to your everyday dietary regimen. If you are going the natural route, you will want to consume whey protein, creatine, glutamine, and an assortment of other supplements that you can get at GNC and other suppliers of muscle building products. However, if you want to step up your game, and improve your gains significantly, you might want to consider using steroids. In this article, we will look at the difference between steroids and what are called stackers, and how they can be both beneficial and detrimental to your overall weight lifting goals.

Positive And Negative Aspects Of Using Steroids

When you take steroids, which are capable of increasing your HDL levels, your ability to build muscle, and improve your stamina while working out, it has many negative aspects as well including hair loss, breast development in men, and impotence in regard to sexual drive and performance capabilities. With women, they can actually have their breasts shrink, and increase their probability of developing breast cancer and anemia.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Abusing Methamphetamine as an Appetite Suppressant

It is a commonly held myth that all meth users are skinny and emaciated skeletons with rotten teeth and open sores on their faces. While this is true in the most extreme cases of meth abuse, this is not always the case. The familiar face of an eaten-away meth addict is always the eventual end to a meth addict that does not get sober, but it does take time and heavy abuse of the drug to get to that point.

You must realize that there are people who use the drug moderately, and do not get the extreme physical effects of hard meth use right away. This often leads the drug to being abused by persons that are looking to lose weight and use the drug as an appetite suppressant. Though this is still a very dangerous abuse of the drug, the user will not always display a huge weight loss, but a slimming. This leads the user into thinking that they can control their habit simply for the weight loss effects. This is very dangerous thinking, and quite often the problem spirals out of control quickly and a full addiction is formed.

Methamphetamine is a dangerous drug, with dangerous side effects. No one can control a habit-forming chemical such as this; not as a simple appetite suppressant, or as a recreational habit.

Both Eating Disorders and Methamphetamine Abuse can be Successfully Treated through an Inpatient Drug Rehab Clinic and Eating Disorder Program.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Alcohol Abuse Is Dangerous And Must Be Addressed


One of the biggest effects of alcohol abuse is the mental state it puts a person in to not be able to control or even address the problem at hand. Alcoholism can sneak up on people and cause them to be in complete denial and oblivious to their true environment and situation, including their health. This is dangerous, and that is why you always hear about interventions because the problems must be addressed. The interventions pose a way for people to come together to help influence and convince a person to confront his or her alcoholism.

The signs of alcoholism are not always easy to spot but in combination with one another paint a much more complete portrait. If you are watching out for someone you think might be an alcoholic, make sure you approach the person with love. Alternatively, you can get together with other people first or dish the issue to the appropriate people, such as close family members to the person with the issue.

It is always important to act, whether you are the person suffering from alcoholism or when you know someone who is an alcoholic. There are always going to be local meetings that one can attend, and there are also inpatient and outpatient clinics that a person can enroll in to seek treatment. The outpatient programs especially are focused on a complete overhaul to allow the person to have the proper avenues for conquering their addictions one step at a time.

Alcohol itself is part of many staggering statistics that are not easy to read. The effects of alcohol can be deadly in a variety of ways, especially from long-term substance abuse. Alcoholics and binge drinkers must gain control of their drinking, or it will take its toll on the liver and other parts of the body.

Alcohol Abuse Treatment with Mental Health Treatment and Counseling:

Summit Behavioral Health

Friday, May 16, 2014

A Quick Look At Treating An Addiction To Pain Medication

When one 'pops' a pain killer, you may not realize you are ingesting an opioid.  Unless you are aware of pharmacological terminology and have medical training, you will be unaware of what an opioid even is and how it can affect a system.  Many will associate an opioid with opium thinking it's a negative substance; but today opiates are used as pain killers and are generally positive substances.  The only risk is that these medications can lead to addiction if not used as prescribed.

Oxymorphone, morphine, codeine and oxycodone are only a few of the pain killers doctors will prescribe as a means of pain relief.  However, as effective as these medications are, you must be aware of the sufficient amount for intake or run the risk of spiraling into the world of an opioid addict.  Addiction is difficult to identify, but it can be avoided through self-control.

When falling into a form of substance abuse, it can be very difficult to remove yourself from that situation.  The first step to rehabilitation and recovery is identification of the problem by the addict.  Once this is done, you must be willing to change your addictive behaviors.  Without the addict's desire to change, no amount of treatment will be effective.  If the individual is disinterested he/she will return to their old behaviors.

There are various means of overcoming an addiction to opiates, such as going to a rehabilitation treatment center.  The withdrawal an addict will face can be difficult to handle including symptoms of insomnia, agitation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  The recovering addict will also face muscle aches, tremors and even convulsions.  A strong psychological symptom is heightened anxiety and depression.

In some rehabilitation centers the trained professionals may choose to administer medication to control the addiction and ease the transition from addict to non-addict this way.`