Saturday, August 9, 2014

Getting Alcohol Abuse Treatment


Alcohol abuse is a problem that runs rampant, undiagnosed for a long time because the substance is legal. It can lead many problem drinkers to remain in denial because they do not see that alcohol and drug abuse are the same thing, just involving different substances. Once someone has realized they have a problem with alcohol, getting treatment for it is the first step to reclaiming their life. When a person first enters a rehabilitation center, they will need to detox. Someone that has been drinking heavily may experience extreme sweats, vomiting, and hallucinations. At the worst end of the spectrum, an alcoholic may even have life threatening seizures. The staff will do everything possible to minimize the negative signs of withdrawal and keep the person safe. Once the patient has been medically cleared, they will then begin participating in the program established by the treatment facility. The counselors and other staff members will gather to develop a plan that includes individual counseling sessions for the person to begin working through their personal issues. In addition, treatment centers have group sessions where everyone is encouraged to talk to others. These can prove an invaluable source of support for someone new to being sober. It is helpful to talk to others who understand the discomforts of withdrawal and how frightening it can be to learn to live without alcohol. The patient is also assisted in making contact with outside resources that can help them to maintain sobriety upon leaving the facility. This can include going to an outpatient alcohol treatment center or free support groups that have other recovering alcoholics. 

Individualized counseling sessions are frequently recommended, especially for those who have other problems, such as dealing with abuse issues. The more resources a person has, the greater the chances they will remain sober.

A Resource for Addiction and Recovery:

A Resource for Addiction and Recovery

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