Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Not-So-Glamorous Side of Amphetamines


There are few people who have not heard of "Breaking Bad" and the compelling characters and the exciting plot lines. Indeed, the main character who made a fortune manufacturing meth was seen as a sympathetic here to many. But that is just the Hollywood treatment of it and the everyday reality of meth is much more horrifying than nay zombie movie. Just a quick glance at a few of the "Faces of Meth" campaign which shows the progressive destruction on met users faces tell the real story. Addiction to amphetamines, also known as speed or uppers is a serious addiction. The effects of meth ravage the user in ways that can never be undone. Users seem to age years in just a matter of months and the destruction to their teeth is well known as "meth mouth". One of the most notable physical signs of meth us and abuse is the abundance of sores and scabs on the face and skin which is attributed to "meth bugs" which is simply an overwhelming sensation that the user feels crawling under their skin and tries desperately to remove. This leaves sores that have little chance of healing as they are constantly picked at and can become infected, leading to infection and even scarring. Another physical change that meth users experience is the rapid decline in their teeth. Meth use leads to chronic dry mouth, dental neglect and tooth decay. The teeth begin to rapidly decay, break and fall out while the user seems oblivious to the seriousness of the situation. Those two physical signs, along with serious weight loss mean that the meth abuser cannot hide their addiction for long. It is literally written all over their face. This is why time is of the essence when dealing with meth abuse. It is hard enough to recover from drug abuse without having to also try to recover from the serious and permanent damage that meth can inflict on the addicts body and health.

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