The cases of liver cancer in the world have been on the rise for the last few years. A damaged liver that may be caused by chronic hepatitis B and C or heavy alcohol intake is actually the number one cause of liver cancer. In the US alone, 70% of people who develop liver cancer do so as a result of Liver cirrhosis. In simple terms, cirrhosis is often regarded as an internal scarring of the liver and is caused by a gradual damage of the liver over a certain period of time.
Causes of Liver Cirrhosis
The biggest cause of liver cirrhosis is extensive use of alcohol and in some cases chronic hepatitis. Immediately the liver becomes replaced by scar tissue, reversing cirrhosis is virtually impossible. According to medical research, people who have cirrhosis have a 40x chance of getting liver cancer compared to the ordinary person who has no cirrhosis. Research also shows that out of all the people who have liver cirrhosis, 3 will actually develop cancer each year. 70 -- 90% of all reported case of liver cancer occurs on livers that are already cirrhotic. Based on these statistics, it is clear that the number one cause of liver cancer in the world at the moment is liver cirrhosis.
Cirrhosis Signs and Symptoms
Based on the danger liver cirrhosis can cause, it is important to know some of the symptoms associated with it. Here are some of the major symptoms of cirrhosis:
• Increased fatigue
• Increased bruising and bleeding
• Loss of appetite and nausea
• Massive weight loss
• Decreased mental functions
• Fluid collection in the abdomen and the legs
• Increased yellow discoloration on the eyes and the skin
• Chronic Right side abdominal pain
If you feel you are experiencing some of these symptoms, you may need to go and see a doctor for proper diagnosis.
Liver cancer is becoming a huge concern in the world. However, based on statistics, it is evident that one of the most effective ways of dealing with liver cancer is to prevent liver cirrhosis.
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