Opana abuse is on the rise and the shocking bit is that teenagers are more affected than any other age group. Moreover, it is readily available in our home cabinets and the fact that it's not illegal makes it easily accessible to teens who don't realize its dangers.
Opana is clinically referred to as oxymorphine and it is a drug with intoxicating qualities similar to morphine. Opana abuse among teenagers has become a huge problem largely because of the availability of the drug in our homes. It only takes the prescription note in the medicine cabinet to give a naïve teenager the go ahead. Moreover, the drug has no odor thus is easily concealable and can be smuggled around.
Unsuspecting teenagers continue to abuse Opana together with other intoxicants like beer. Other teens will crush the pills into powder and snort them like cocaine or lick them to deliver an ever greater rush. This is a prerequisite to an overdose disaster and sadly so many young lives have been lost to a problem that could have been corrected earlier.
But there is hope, and it is possible to see the early signs of Opana abuse in your teenager. Your teenager will start exhibiting secretive behaviors like not revealing their whereabouts during the day, locking their rooms whenever they are inside, not allowing you go through their school bag or check their room and generally not telling you they have a problem. They will also change their friends, acquiring a new company that will help them abuse the drug together or get their daily supply.
Opana abuse has side effects like any other drug and pretty soon your son or daughter will start dressing shaggily, not comb their hair and generally look like a drug abuser. The language changes as well and pretty soon you will start hearing slang words never heard before, especially those referring to drugs like 'stop signs', the O Bomb, pink ladies or the 'blues'.
Opana abuse is on the rise and it's about time you protected your teenager from this drug net. Follow us for more tips on drug abuse and how to protect your child from it.